Trenia Parham

Trenia Parham

Cecilia Nelson-Hurt
“What has me thrive are the things that motivate and inspire me. At this point in my life, it’s about legacy, thinking about my grandmother who came before me and sacrificed so that I could be here. I look at my life and think about how far I’ve come and how her expectations are surpassed. This helps me when I’m focused or when I feel like I need the engine to push me over the mountain and keep me focused and determined.
What I need to thrive are moments of clarity. My pace at work can be so fast that I don’t get the chance to center myself. From time to time, I need to step away to do a check in with myself. What helps me thrive is putting myself first sometimes, and being realistic about what I can accomplish. I need empowerment and other’s trust in me that I know how to do my job well, and that I have the freedom within the parameters of my job, as well as outside of them to make decisions. I also need to be constantly learning and know it’s ok to make mistakes. When I’m thriving, I feel confident and at the same time, I think it’s important that even when I’m at the top of my game, I’m never overly confident that I under prepare.”

Ray Fisher
Relationships and connection are the spaces where I thrive most in life. Viewing each and every interaction with others as a connection feeds my soul.
Strong supportive relationships are an absolute must in any work environment in order for me to thrive. When I’m thriving, I can feel the energy flowing through my body and I can feel being in such with whatever I am being presented with.

“What has me thrive in life is when I have passion for my work and I’m making a fundamental difference to the lives of people and in organisations. In order to thrive, I need to have a purpose, have support and be determined. When I’m thriving it feels exciting, spacious and exhilarating.”

Frances Johnston
I thrive when I’m supporting people to be their best selves in relationship with one another. This includes my family, my team, clients I am honored to work with, and within my community.
I thrive in my work when people are authentic, trying to grow, and willing to explore the unknown. I love a complex situation where I can bring humanity, belief in possibility and my full self into the space.
When I am thriving, I feel very aligned in my strengths and to my noble purpose.

Harold hill
“I’m thriving when I’m supporting organizations and leaders to achieve greatness every day. Seeing a team do more than they believed possible is exciting. My faith, family and hope help to keep my life centered. To thrive at work I need to believe that the client and their team/organization is fully engaged, where values such as inclusion, respect, collaboration and innovation are a big part of that approach. When I’m thriving, it feels like the work is easy, transparent and engaging. Projects maybe challenging but the feeling of togetherness helps all involved to bring their very best to address the issues at hand.”

“What has me thrive in life is when I see the people around me – the people I care about, the people I work with – happy, healthy, and living fulfilled lives. I look outside of my thoughts, feelings and opinions about myself and my life. I thrive when I’m not trying to get somewhere other than where I am…. because I’m home…at home with myself and my life’s purpose and it feels GOOD!”

“I’m thriving when I am engaged in learning and activities that deepen my connection to myself and allow me to expand. I thrive when I am having conversations with people to help them grow and expand too. To thrive in my work I need to be in partnership with my clients, looking at what it will take to have them organise their worlds for success. This means dealing with internal thoughts and feelings and external systems. I thrive when I know I am making a difference. Thriving for me feels like expanding, growing, feeling like I am connected to the world and my life has meaning. To know that my work matters and my clients and participants are inspired and ready to take game changing action.”

“What has me thrive in life is drinking coconut water whilst walking on a beach basking in sunshine, laughing with loved ones when things seem too crazy. In order to thrive I need to be part of a global network of innovators who encourage each other to create and debate, and seeing the impact of what I do even if the ripple effects take time. When I’m thriving, I feel in flow. It’s easier to create and deliver and I enjoy pushing the edge in creating new things. I get ‘wordsmithy’ and playfully create new expressions.”

Michael Henry
“What has me thrive in life is cultivating the things that serve me and releasing the things that do not. I have a very clear philosophy that I adhere to….to move from a position of ‘joy to peace’ and from ‘peace to joy’… and that joy is from within not from external things. To thrive in work I need to remain curious at all times and to take gratitude in the small things/incremental changes. This always keeps disappointment at bay.”

Trenia Parham
All our Associates are committed to, and practice their own work around bias, and have the awareness and ability to lead and engage in conversations around race, equity, diversity and inclusion, freeing people from systemic barriers.