Where Black Lives MORE than Matter

Part 1
The important work to be done around race and social justice is a combination of education and action. In this Masterclass, the education piece looks at systemic oppression and racism; getting clear on what is an anti-racist stance; raising a team’s self-awareness and understanding of white privilege, and how ‘whiteness’ works; This is done alongside identifying the anti-racist actions that make a difference. In this Masterclass, a safe and open space is provided for participants to freely discuss these topics, share their insights, discoveries, and learnings as a place to start from in their journey to create a workplace that’s truly anti-racist, diverse, eq
This session is approximately 3 hours in duration.

Part 2
In our many years of experience, when an organization makes a commitment on race, the majority of the work is tactical and/or individual, and rarely strategic or systemic. Actions are often taken in isolation of one another. We need to build an understanding of how we got here. What are the systemstamatic and structural actions that have led us to be at the full effect of racism in society, in our organizations and impacts us all individually. You have heard the phrase “ the system is not broken it was built this way” what is actually meant by that? In this Masterclass, participants are invited to begin to explore the history of racism, we deepen our awareness of the White Identity model, there is the opportunity for coaching and you start to identify at an individual level what are the actions that you want to take to make a change that can actually make a difference to the lives of BIPOC people. Our commitment in our work on race is that insights and education leads to action for change.
This session is approximately 4 hours in duration.
Following the successful completion of Masterclass Part 1 and 2, there is an opportunity for further bespoke sessions to be designed and delivered in partnership with individuals and/or company leaders, focusing on the high leverage areas that emerged to produce additional impactful results. For example, this may include exploring what an organization can do externally to bring what’s been learned to other organizations and communities, or creating specific initiatives that require intentional and focused work that will lead to the change that’s needed in the field of race and social justice.